There is nothing more important than the safety of our teaching team and the Students. We don’t underestimate the challenge that common sense safety measures and safe distancing has posed. We were quick to put measures in place, (even before the lockdown), and we have continued to listen and improve as the pandemic has progressed.
For the time being we are limiting visitors and where possible agreeing appointment times.
You can have our full attention and shop safely.
We are trying to avoid the busy times when pupils are arriving for lessons in the studios.
You are always welcome to call Matthew Wildman on 07970759963 to discuss your needs before visiting the shop.
WHERE POSSIBLE we are also happy to open up for you at a weekend (or in an evening)
At the moment, we also wish to keep the music school pupils feeling safe when entering the shop.
One pupil at a time.
This has been reassuring to those that are still happy to come to the shop for their lessons.
Several of our teachers are also offering 1 to 1 lessons online, where people are requesting it.
However, we recognise that 1 to 1 in the studio is by far the best option and we are here to help.
We open the doors for you. We keep pupils apart whilst entering and leaving the building. You also have the option to wait outside (or in the car) until you see the previous pupil leave and are invited inside.
At the start of the lesson, we will invite you to go down into the studio first, then we follow at a safe distance. At the end of the lesson, we will invite you to go up to the door, then we follow at a safe distance.
We ask that everyone washes their hands before visiting, but also we have facilities here to use if they haven’t been able to.
We have already upgraded some of the facilities in the music shop, which includes a new hand washing area. We also have a plan to continue upgrading the facilities over the coming months.
We are teaching from a safe distance and demonstrating techniques whilst keeping apart.
In order to further insure safe distancing we have also installed some "5 foot high", clear perspex teasching screens.
This allows for closer procimity if it is seemed apropriate, with the pupil safely at the other side of the screen.
We are also open minded and wish to hear suggestions from anyone about other precautions that they might think will help keep us all a safe as possible whilst teaching.
In order to reduce footfall within the school to a minimum, where possible, we are discouraging anyone accompanying the pupil to the lesson, although in some cases we fully understand that a guardian may prefer to be present, but we must insist that there is a limit of only one extra person where necessary.
Generally we do not feel that this is necessary, where we are keeping a safe distance, however where requested, if you feel more comfortable if your teacher wears a face covering, then they will oblige.
Where possible we are asking that pupils bring and use their own instruments and aids such as drum sticks, plectrums, etc. We will use different instruments to demonstrate, so that there will be no sharing or touching. If you need to use an instrument from the studio, it will have been cleaned prior to the lesson and straight away afterwards, to ensure that it is already clean for the next pupil.
You are welcome to call Matthew on
Booking can also be arranged by calling the shop number during office hours 01274 599774
You are also welcome to contact your teacher directly, if you prefer
PLEASE NOTE: Pupils of Danny Sapko continue to be covered by Rob McNicholas as Danny is still isoltaing for personal reasons.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for reading through this statement.
Our aims include keeping us in touch with our pupils and demonstrating that we are caring, thoughtful (and sensible).
We have the knowledge, experience and know how to provide a friendly and effective service to all our customers, with a smile and joke .... if we know any.
Our sales staff have worked in the music retail business within the last Twenty Five years, Steve Gibson successfully managed the Northern Drum Centre for nearly 10 yrs in the centres of Leeds and Bradford in the nineties, during which he received a national Music Industries Award for sales excellence (customer care and service) We also have over 40 years experience between us, playing drums with local bands, recording , residencies and promoting live music at various local venues.
MUSIC STORE - Originally set up as a drum shop with teaching facilities - through demand we have expanded our range to Guitar products, Folk instruments, Music books, accessories, repairs and servicing etc.
We Specialise in looking after the needs of Budding Young Musicians especially giving sound advice to parents on the different levels of equipment they may need to consider when providing the kids with their first musical Instrument.
WE can't stock everything but we can generally Source most things WE AIM TO PLEASE without making it a chore ! ! !
For over 18 years Beat It Music has benefitted from personal recommendations.
Many are from people that know each other, but the latest trends are to look at what other people have to say on the internet.
Surveys have shown that it takes the very best of service for someone to make the time and effort to post a review on the internet.
Beat It Music has 5 star ratings on both Google and Click to see for yourself!
From basic through to big name brands!
Discounted equipment & Music Lessons.
What could you buy a musician that they have?
Drums, Guitar, Bass, Flute, Keyboards & More!
A Wide range of instruments and accessories!
We support local events and will promote them here!